#HBCUFriday: Business mogul -Jamal Featherstone

Jamal Featherstone is a growing businessman that started his company while as an undergrad at A&T.

IMG_8193 There are no bounds to his creativity. He is now located in Greensboro, NC where he continues to grow his brand, expand his abilities, and managing his career as a Graphic at Designer  at his beloved North Carolina A&T State Universityjfeatherstone

Being an HBCU Alumni, allows  Jamal, the ability to use communication as a key though his business and art were actively seeking to engage people’s emotions in ways words could not capture alone.  To really understand the man that Jamal is.

You are encouraged to watch an interview on his HBCU experience for #HBCUFriday.

#HBCUFriday: Business mogul -Jamal Featherstone

 If you like to know more about Jamal’s work or make any business inquiries please need to  feel free to visit Jamal Featherstone website

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Read another #HBCUFriday Grad Paris Futrell story: “Aggie Livewire: My HBCU experience”

If you are interested in become our next #HBCUFriday contributor please send an e-mail to indigometellus@gmail.com  for more details on how you can join the movement.