How will I know this is the man God sent me?
When you’re aligned with God (1 Corinthians 3:16) your spirit man is intertwined to him. Your spirit man will see the same likeness in the man that God has created for you. It can be scary at first but your flesh will not be moved in lust for your husband.
Your spirit will be. Both you and your potential mate will be like a magnetic force able to see the light that God has a place in each of you. When your dating things will line up how God has a plan for them too.
Dating with your children will no longer be a concern because you would have already prayed for your husband before you met him. You will know when the right time it is to introduce him to your children. This man will be sent to you from God, This man will know that he will be stepping into a family that will be even more complete once he is married to you.
If you do have any doubt that a man your dating will not accept and love your children better than you, then I’m sorry this might not be the man for you. It’s my firm belief that in order to marry your partner has to understand his or her role is not to replace the absent parent of your children but to add value to the family by providing support for the family over all.
Single people without children who date single parents must understand the responsibility for the whole squad. God doesn’t make mistakes when HE places people in our lives. That’s why it’s important to Trust in God and lean on him for understanding where there is no guidance you will fall for anything ( Proverbs 3:5; Proverbs 11:14)
“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:15
When do I bring up marriage?
If this man is about God’s business during your courtship you two have continued to put God first in everything. Then trust that God will fulfill his promise to you for becoming a wife. The purpose of a courtship is defined as ” a period during which a couple develops a romantic relationship, especially with a view to marriage.” It’s important to know if your relationship from the beginning is a dating relationship ( define as Of a couple, to be in the early stages of a relationship where they go out on dates to find out what each other is like, as a prelude to actually being a fully-fledged couple.) or a courtship.
Definement in the beginning between the two labels will establish when marriage is brought up. The man God sends you will be courting you so marriage has already be set in his mind. While the man you attract without God’s help may want to date only.
Not saying that the dating man can’t turn into the courting man just be prayed up and led by God. I personally won’t introduce the dating man to my children for him to establish a relationship with them until your know from God that this man will become your Husband. With the courting man, God has hopeful already giving you the sign that this man was sent by him.
To set expectations of marriage while you’re developing a relationship is a great idea. This will let you’re ready to become a wife when it’s God’s timing through the conversation you have with your potential husband. You want to know what their marriage expectations are for Husband and Wife.
Which allows for an understanding of the type of husband this man wants to be along with he is looking for in his wife. Having experience as a girlfriend/partner is totally different from being a wife. Why? Because you are now married to someone that hopefully, God places you with. Making a marriage good, healthy and led by God takes work from both Husband and wife because you will become familiar with your new roles while working to become one.
Adding the element of your children to a marriage is on display before them and God. That’s why having the marriage talk opens up the door to understanding what each other needs from the other before getting married.
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