“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it own.” Matthew 6:34
I must confess, worrying is something that has caused me a lot of stress. Even as I’m writing this I feel my stress levels rising. As I take a deep breath I know that this needs to come out. “DO NOT WORRY” After watching T.D. Jakes’ “Do not WORRY rather WORSHIP” I know it time to get busier with God. Listening to the word of God pour from Bishop Jakes mouth, I felt God’s telling me “keep your mind stay on me” Isaiah 26:3
I remember getting in the prayer lines when I was a younger, the mother of the church praying over me. Asking God to help keep my mind stayed on him. That his will for my life would be his will and keep me in his perfect peace. As an adult, I get it now. Each day we fight the noises of other people, the drama of life, bills that aren’t paid, the loss of love and fights time to give to God. The number one thing that keeps us from our perfect peace in God is our will to WORRY.
I know it is hard to keep your mind stayed on God when everything is coming at you all at once. Once I got a little older, I’d be in the prayer line ready to give God everything. Feeling his healing power releasing all my worries, doubts, fears and stress. Healing my mind, body, and soul. Philippians 4:4-9 says “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Leaving church with my mind stayed on Jesus for two good days. By day three, I was back in my own head. The bill collectors calling to remind me of unpaid bills, gas tank almost on E, no paid day in sight, failing classes and worrying if I’ll ever get married. Back to WORRY. This was my nasty little habit. That’s why the word of God says to keep our mind stay on him.
My mother would get on me, telling me to pray, read my bible, give it to God. But the more she told me to exercise my faith. The more I became wrapped in my head. Feeling as if serving God was the root of all my problems. I felt that every time I would “try Jesus” that the enemy was right there to push me back to him. I felt serving God was too hard. That I didn’t want any issues. That the only time the enemy bother me was when “my mind was on God”. But the truth was that I wasn’t trying God because I hadn’t placed my trust in his word that he was my everything. My provider.
We all heard the slogan “A Mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste.” The devil knows this. As children of God, our minds were given to us as our power. Our minds allow us to connect with God, other people and become creative. If our minds are filled with junk via WORRY then we aren’t clear to focus on the purpose that God has for us.
WORRY = noise stuck in our heads, falling into the enemies hands. Therefore becoming our own worst enemy. That was it I was my own enemy. I’m always in my own head. I over think things. Trying to solve my own problems which later had me defeated. T.D Jakes brought up a good point: what does the devil need with money, cars, housing and all the other things we stress over? NOTHING.
Why would I continue to WORRY about things the devil doesn’t even have uses for. oday is the day to stop giving thoughts to things that I can easily place in Gods hands. How do I know that I can be set free from worry because if God can provide for the birds, and the flowers, then why can’t he provide for me? use of.
Today is the day I stop giving thoughts to things that I can easily place in God’s hands. Matthew 6:25-34 reassure me that I can be set free from WORRY because if God can provide for the birds, and the flowers, then why can’t he provide for me? Worrying is just worrying about tomorrow and all the thing it will bring for what I think I need to live life but “Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord is my provider. As it said to this day, “In the Lord’s mountain it will be provided.” Genesis 22:14
…don’t have the money for bills God has you… want to finish school God got it… want to get married God has it… We have to stop wasting time on what is needed to complete these things trying to solve these things when our source comes from God…. the original way maker… Isaiah 43:16-19
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