Travelling to Canada Day 1

So let me start out but saying GOD is so awesome!

What should have happen this morning should have been my husband and I on the road to the Greenville Airport for our first trip to Canada by 4:17 am (Thanks to Google maps trying to keep us in time) Instead I set the alarm for 4:30 am thinking we could be out the house by 5 on the road for and be at check in by 6:10 am for our 7 am flight.

Mind you the GSP Airport is very small which allows you sort of a luxury to get there in an hour before your boarding flight unlike LAX or ATL (talking airport codes for those that don’t know that’s Los Angeles and Atlanta) Here is the reality of our morning and why GOD IS so good. We rolled out of bed at 4:55 am after going to bed around 1:30 am. Jumped in the shower, dressed and out the door by 5:15. Which was starting to get me stress a little in the inside. As we got in the car, we began our prayer (we always…always say a prayer for traveling mercy) thanking God for a safe and wonderful trip and no harm would come out way. That if we we’re running later for ours. Flight (which we’re) that he would allow us to make our original flight or be able to catch our connection flight. We we’re real close as well on that time (9 am)

My husband than but the radio on Joel Osteen station and I tried my best to listen to the word of God and not allow myself to become worked up on us being late. On my GPS not working, having to reset my phone and when we finally got GPS service the trip plan letting us know that we would get to the airport by 6:25 am. My mind was swimming with all sorts of plans and disappoints. Sort of cancelling out the prayer we just prayed about God having his way (put a verse here)

How could I say I have faith that God is going to show us favor on this trip if I can’t even trust him with the start of it. Is getting to the airport in the time and manner HE has guided to. We over here rushing (not really because my husband drives like I’m Ms.. Daisy and I want to be toured around) in the inside of myself. Allowing my panic levels to raise, getting stressed.

I’m asking to show me himself while I’m over here offering him my disbelief that he has things under control. While he is working behind the scene to clean out the accidents he spared us from. Slowing the rain down as we wrap around the highway. Making a day for my phone to find signal long enough for me to be able to check us in online so the airline knew we intended to catch our flight.

2 Corinthians 5:6-7

 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight:

God is working things out for you, even when you don’t feel it. Even when you don’t know it. He is being the scene smoothing things out so you can walk into your Favor.

Allowing us to park in the $4 parking lot as opposed to parking in the $8 and $12 a day lots that we only seen the signs for. So what if I had to run before my Husband who was carrying 3 bags to my one so I could get ahead of his fast walk and try and get our printed tickets. What I got out of the message from Joel Osteen today was take the limits others have set or tried to set on you off and expand your expectations. So we walked into that Airport with the confidence we WE’RE making our flight. We didn’t verbalize we we’re running light. If anything our verbalize was we’re running tight.

We had let GOD know he was in control and whatever he want to do was his will and not our own. A we approached the counter we we’re greeted by the flight tellers.

We keyed our information on the kiosk and it we rejected our info said we we’re “too late” (machine…man or whoever is not GOD) so I politely walked over to the young lady, told her what the machine said and her response was nothing but GOD. She took our Passport. Find my husband with ease but couldn’t find me. Thank the Lord I remembered ours. Confirmation number and she found me. I didn’t let fear keep me from reaching our destiny. (so don’t yours keep you from yours) she printed our tickets I was still trying to keep calm cause I was trusting GOD but still wanted to see us on our flight. (I’m working on my walk by faith only and not by sight.)


This was a great test of that because those tickets we’re being printed in slow motion. Then she said don’t worry you still got penalty of time as I looked at my phone clock seeing 6:30. She put our tickets in our Passport made it easy for use when we got to the gate. Even through God was using her to ease our minds to know he had us we still was booking to the security check point. If you think about it. The airport is set up like your life. You may have a plan for yourself but God is letting you know he is in control. He’s telling you if you trust HIM he will guide you through the process. When the obstacles present themselves (security check point) HE will bring you through the other side with HIS ease.

Which he did. Our coats we’re off items in the TSA boxes pass through the scanners and our gate was right behind the check point we’re our family member was There saving our spot in line.  That just how God is he goes ahead of you working our every detail. Making your path right to him where he has already curve our your place. Now to get to where he has you going doesn’t mean you not going to hit a sag here or there but just the fact that you trust HIM to get where your going is enough to know he will never leave you or for sake you.

That’s why God is so Awesome…Well on to the next flight…..

More about indigometellus


  1. Reply

    Amen!!! This really encouraged me! Thank you for writing this & posting it

    1. Reply

      No thank you for commenting. Sometimes as bloggers you feel like your talking to yourself. So thank you for reading.

      1. Reply

        I know the feeling and no problem! I loved what I read!!

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