From Associate Degree to Master’s
Everyone keeps asking me has it set in yet. Has had a #masters set into my mind. When many many years ago I was sad that all my high school friends were going to Gud colleges and the...
Everyone keeps asking me has it set in yet. Has had a #masters set into my mind. When many many years ago I was sad that all my high school friends were going to Gud colleges and the...
Most people are familiar with Speed dating. But not Blind Folded Speed Dating. You think of yourself going down to the event and hopeful meeting someone great without seeing them and only relying on the sound of their...
Waiting for your earthly husband Singer Fantasia did an interview with MadameNorie title “Fantasia Talks Power of Spiritual Fasting & Getting Husband Back” during the interview Fantasia talks about the calling God has on her life, how she...