Everyone keeps asking me has it set in yet. Has had a #masters set into my mind. When many many years ago I was sad that all my high school friends were going to Gud colleges and the Lord told my parents to send me to #Losangeles Southwest Community College. I was so hurt that I was going to a community college that I only made it through a year. I was sad when God said I couldn’t be on the basketball team. So I went to work instead. I allow work for four years to be my driven purpose until one day an “associate” we’ll call them keep telling me how smart I was and that I should go back to schools.
But I wasn’t thinking about that cuz I was getting that money. I was as making moves in the company without the degree. But then I told her advice enrolled in a few classes to get me feet wet and I wanted more.
I didn’t know that my “associate ” was making plans to take my job or that she would assist in getting me fired. I thought my company needed me. I thought I was undependable but I found out the hard way. God open the door for me to go back to college. I was now at #calstatela in an org with some great #women.
I felt like I was being built up in this organize only to be let do by some of the same women that I thought were there to uplift me. But Thank God I was left with some true friends even when I forgot my purpose to why I was in school in the first place. Being placed on Academic probation so I left and went back to Southwest.
This time #god said don’t leave till I tell you. Once again I was saddened I try every term to ask god could I leave but he said what did I tell you. Staying where God told me to stay. I worked 3 jobs only like one.
The family I worked for were very education and never made me feel less than. They took me and my family into their family. They introduce me to what a life when an education would open for me. So working with them for almost two years 1/2 with encouragement from them to apply to an #HBCU which was a dream for me after watching “A different world,” finishing up my AA Degree and asking God where he wanted me to go next since this chapter was coming to an end.
God open the door for me to go to #NCAT in North Carolina. I was nervous, scared and excited that God was allowing me to leave Los Angeles. I knew I would miss my Family but my boss told me the most sound advice I ever got. “You need to go to this college. You need to do this for yourself. How can you help your family if you can’t barely help yourself? Going to college, helping yourself first will help them as well. Sometimes you have to be selfish so that you can be a bigger helper later. So get yourself together and go.” (Thanks, David C. I love you and your family with all my heart and I haven’t forgotten about the other thang…I have to get up with yall)
I know that God had open the door for me at A&T, I was 26 years and I really felt like one of the characters from a different world placed in a dorm with Freshmen. But I was grateful. Just a few years earlier I went from thinking my life was set to work for a company with no degree. That my hard work that got me to become a Supervisor would be the same thing to get me into Corporate. But I learned a value lesson That plans change all the time. They change too when you don’t seek Counsel with God and let him lead your path.
So turning a 3 years program into a 4-year program, meeting the love of my life and so wonderful friends I now consider family in 2013 I finally started to feel comfortable to raise my head with my peers. Especially my high school friend who I watched on social media post their accomplishments. I was able to finally say “hey look at Indigo…So got that young B.S. in Accounting, from the best #HBCU in the world.”
I know my social media picture painted a great picture of a happy day. Behind the scene where the long distance calls place to my mom telling her that I wanted to quit and come home. In the darkness of my room, I spent time alone crying about failing classes. Being told that if I didn’t pass this one Accounting class that I might have to change my major, having already investing 2 years of skin in that game.
But God showed up. He worked on my mind, he gave me friends that became family. I became a different person. I didn’t want to be defeated. I remember back at Southwest a Professor told us a personal story about her undergrad years. The funny thing is she was an Accounting Professor at the time at Southwest I was just taking general classes I didn’t know I was going into Accounting into I applied at #calstateLA years later.
She told us that there was one class standing between her and her degree and she was determined to get that degree. So she had to buckle down and do what she had to do to get what she needed to get. It’s so crazy how God works. He told me not to leave Southwest until he was ready for me to leave. I thought this was some sort of punishment. I was in my feelings. But the truth is that God knew what I was going to need to make it in my dark hours, alone from family and ready to quit. That I was going to have to pull from the people at Southwest that invested their time in my foundation of education. (Thank you, Ms. Ford) He knew the plan and he wanted me to trust him so I could commit to it as well.
The week before I was preparing to graduate and receive my B.S. I called out to God and asked him about getting my Masters. The masters seed was planted. He said don’t worry about it go forth, and I did.
As I reflect on this achievement of mine. I realize that now only being the first born child to my parents I was always set to be a built-in role model and example for my sisters. When I was young I was not that excited over being the oldest. I didn’t want to be the first one to get old, or the first one to dead. (That what I thought being the oldest meant) I dislike all the trials by error my parents tested out on me and perfected by time they got to my siblings.
But What pushed me to go back to that community college was that all my sisters were done with high school and starting college themselves. I had been a poor example of how you should get through and finish college and I didn’t want my sisters to do as I did. So I knew I had to cross the finish line. At least complete my AA degree. Then I knew I had to finish my B.S. Degree. Then it only made sense to reach and achieve this master.
I had to because it was more than me being the oldest at state. It was losing my mother doing my master’s courses using the strengthen that she and my father had pour into me to finish. Getting this Masters was more than just getting the title. It hasn’t sunk in yet. I’m still ready to make my next move. I still ready to become greater. I still ready to do God’s business for my life. Then one day when I can really set back and see all that I have done because of ALL the great people that have been planted in my path. Then I’ll be able to say “Thank you for thinking highly of me and not letting me ease by just being ordinary in that grocery store. So big ups to all the associate out there scramming to take your jobs. Let them have it Hunny cause with God all things are possible…Now take that to the bank and cash it.!
Sincerely ,
Masters Indigo lol
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