What does the bible say about unwed mothers?

So what does God have to say to unwed mothers? God has the same message that he has for mothers as he does for the mothers that are single, divorced, or widowed. God is love. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8

I think growing up with religion instead of with God we as people become so judgmental that we forget that once we had sin. The bible is filled with stories of births of the lineage of Jesus ancestors were unwed pregnancies to single mothers that were birth through incest, adultery, and prostitutions. (cf. Gen. 38, Gen. 19:30-38, 2 Sam. 11:1-12:25).

“But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion” 1 Corinthians 7:9

It’s not funny that we live in a society that puts more fault on the unwed mothers than the sons that helped her get that way. As soon as a single pregnant woman walks outside her doors judgment already falls on her. People become her judge and jury and ready to write her out of society. Ready to end her education. Ready to write of her possible.

In John 10:10 God says that he comes that we may have life and have it abundantly because he knew that there would be a time that our hopes, dreams, and pureness would be taken from us and we would feel like life was lost.  That the greatness of God’s love that his mercy does not penalize us for our actions.

The greatest story of God’s love for an unwed mother would be about Mary mother of Jesus. God love her so much that he use her as an example of not only a miracles but to show people that God still loves his people if they would only stop being blind by religion and believing in his possible love. Which was the impregnation of faith in a teen who would now bare the judgment of the world?

By the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary became the most vulnerable of women—an unmarried pregnant teen. She was deeply loved by God and in need of care and support. When she traveled to see family, she was not ostracized but welcomed by her cousin Elizabeth.

I have to believe that God also did this to use Mary as an example of hope for those single mothers who long to get married for them to know that a man will still love you and help raise a family with you even if he is not biological the children’s father. A true can see that when he meets the woman that God has created for him knows that she has been blessed by God “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 127:3

So next time you see a single mother instead of putting on your judgmental glasses, pray that God will send her the man he has created for her. A man that will love her children just as much as he loves her and that God will be the center of their family. That if their father is in the picture that this family will be able to co-exist and be led by God.

Pray that these women have the strength to raise her children in the way that they should go and that they children will not be affected by their start but that they will feel God’s love. That they will fulfill their purpose in life and know that they are valuable.

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