How to Keep Valentine’s Day going After

I think over all that Valentine’s day has been a hit or miss with me. Even as I dated my husband, the four years we had on Valentine’s Day before we got married was some misses. I don’t know why I put so much on Valentine’s Day. Building the day up. Thinking about always my boyfriend spoils me. I had things all plan out in my head of how I wanted the day to go.keep-valentine-day-going-www-indigometellus-com

How I wanted him to show up to my house with flowers (even tho I told him I don’t like flowers, I still wanted them) He would be dress to the nine, looking and smelling good with chocolate cover strawberries.

We would then go to a lovely dinner, and he would have a ring with him ready to propose to me. But that never happen. Instead, I got little treats that made my face show how disappointed I was with the gifts that he had spent so much time getting or putting together for me.

So this year, going on three years of marriage. I decide not to hype Valentine’s day up. I took a different approach not asking or expected anything this year because every day my husband makes it feel like a full year of Valentine’s day with his love that I didn’t understand when we were just dating.

Honestly, every day spent with my husband after Valentine’s Day we can show each other how much we mean to each other daily. The time after Valentine’s Day is some much better because we aren’t waiting for one day to cramping all of our love in.

With 364 more days after Valentine’s, we are more focus on each other needs rather than just our wants. Keeping the romance burning in our relationship because there is no pressure of Valentine’s Day to express our love to each other.

So if February 14 didn’t go as plan this year here are 10 Simple Romantic burning Tips to help get you through to February 14 of next year.colossians-3-14-www-indigometellus-com

Remember that your husband is a gift from God who you had prayed for even before God gave him to you.

Hold each other’s hands as you take a walk

Give your husband a sweeter kiss by making him lunch once a week. Place a few chocolate Hershey’s Kisses in his lunch box. For every wrapper, he saves you will give him that many kisses at the end of the week extra.

Ask your husband what would be his ideal date. Then plan it for both of you to enjoy.

Mail him each month one  “one reason why I love you” index card. By next Valentine’s day, you can collect them and read all 12 out load to each other’s.

Text each other a prayer once the day out of the week. Later that night explain how the prayer will be applied to your marriage growth going forward.

Make a stop on your way home, pick up your husband favorite treat or make it for him.

Each month take turns picking out a place to go to show interests in each other.

Snuggle in bed, take turns telling each other about each mark you have on your bodies (I’m sure there some good stories how you got the scar on your leg)

Take time to compliment each other.

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