Sex Before Marriage: Why I wish I waited

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Hebrews 13:4

How many of us have heard that we should wait until marriage to have sex? How many of us have to keep hold off waiting? How many of us have let our curiosity take hold of us to seeing what sex was all about?

Well, put your hands down because this is not about “slut” shaming

This is about ownership and your relationship between you and God. I can point out all the Bible verses and go old school sister in the front pew on you about the reasons why you should wait until marriage to have sex, but at the end of the day, you’re going to do what you feel is best for you.

I can only tell you a few reason why I wish I would have waited till marriage for sex.

Reason 1. For the right person. FYI My husband.

I wish I would have waited to have sex with my husband so that I would know the real feeling of totally being in love with someone and having a true gift to give to him. I love my husband so much. He is truly a bless man so to have been able to share that gift with him would have been a greater blessing for both of us.

Reason 2. Not to feel the guilt of pre-marital sex.

I wish I would have to wait until marriage to have sex so I wouldn’t have carried the guilt I felt for having sex before marriage. A huge weight that I carried around like a bag lady. I repeated the arts over and over in my head. I wore the sin on me like the scarlet “A” only visible to myself.

Reason 3.  Sex ruin the simple things

I wish I would have waited to have sex until marriage because sex just destroys innocent things. Friendships for example.

Reason 4. Feeling like everyone knew I was having sex before marriage

I wish I would have waited till I got married to have sex so I wouldn’t have felt like everyone was looking at me as if they knew I was having sex. It made me feel guiltier and standoffish.

Reason 5 Not feeling I had anyone to take about sex with

I wish I would have waited till marriage to have sex because I could have had someone to talk about my feeling with. Instead, I just hid my thoughts and feeling. I didn’t discuss sex with anyone until an old boyfriend called me out on my behave towards sex making it even more awkward.

My few cents and a dollar on the topic

Having sex before marriage is not the end of life. It’s a big decision that should never be taken lightly. Marriage and love are both valuable.  Who you sleep with or have slept with is between them, you and God. No explanation about the actions is needed to anyone outside of that circle.  Sex comes with lots  of risky experience just be careful out there and be led by God.

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