S2: Chronicles of a reformed Sinner

Preying-Stage 2

Good Thang-Everyone told me. Every guy that I let swirl in my ear told me. Their families told me. They all knew, it but me. Hence the low standards because I had low standards for myself. I never had the talk with my parents about what I should want in a mate. We all just knew that God when the time came would bless me, with the man he had made for me. Don’t get me twisted, there is nothing wrong for waiting for that. I wish I would had waited. This would had spare my body, and emotions unnecessary heartaches. I never took the time to really make a list of the type of qualities I wanted in a mate. I was too busy not trusting that God had me. I didn’t trust him with my heart because I was tired of being alone.

“And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18


My mother always asked me why was I searching for love when I had all the love I could had wanted. I didn’t know how to answer that question. Because I really didn’t know myself or have my own relationship with God. Yes I had the foundation. I knew he loved me and I loved God but I pushed away from it because of my sins, and how ashamed I felt about them. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8 ESV I didn’t love myself, so how could I really understand real love. That didn’t happen until about 9 mos before I moved to NC when I was still living in LA. My hunting led me into some trouble.


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