So I want to take this time to introduce a new segment that will be launch on my blog this month. “Entrepreneurs That Rock!”
To me, entrepreneurs are the faith that all things will work together for your good.
As an entrepreneur, it is your purpose to answer the calling that has been placed on your life, using talents to creative, a means of support for yourself.
Takes guts to step out of the shadow from a job that many consider is a “Good job.” There is more to life than just working a job and never stepping out on faith to achieve something that might fail or better yet succeed.
The best thing as an entrepreneur is trusting the process to become your person. Creating an avenue for your brand.
How do you think Wal-Mart became Wal-Mart. It was started with a vision and a business plan to become what it is today an empire, all because a man had the faith to better the lives of himself and his family.
Yes, an entrepreneur is hard work. Yes, there may not be a platform yet for your business. Try! By no means quit on yourself before you even try. That’s why this segment is dedicated to all the brave, risk takers that have say it’s time to be my boss and start my version of what a career will look like for me.
So support your local entrepreneur and if you know of one or you are one drop me a line so I can check you out. Who knows you might be my next feature.
J. Kristof
March 9, 2017Love this!
March 13, 2017Thank you so much for showing me love!