
“I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.” ― Augusten BurroughsMagical Thinking

When I was younger, I use to wish I was shorter, smaller, had the good hair. Thought these things would help me be more appealing to people. I felt my height, big body, loud talking and aggressiveness were my flaws. When I started dating and hanging around my peers in my early 20’s I changed myself to fit into whatever crowds I needed to entertain.

flawed-www-indigometellus-comIf I was going on a date with a guy that was my height. I won’t wear heels so that I won’t be taller than him. My standards were low, so I hang around people that had nothing to offer me in value. I drew these people to me because of my insecurities.  I made others people’s problems mine.

The funny thing is a lot of people don’t accomplish a lot in life due to the flaws that they see. Flaws are nothing but invisible limits that we set to self-sabotage. Growing out of my early 20’s, I had to make a decision.  Would I let nicknames & ‘flaws’ that I receive as a child and adult set the tone on how great I will become in life?

If I couldn’t get over my flaws to become who I needed to be. Turning to God despite everything was what I needed to do.  It took sometime, but the Bible says that God knew me even when I was in my mother’s womb. That he is the creator, loving every nappy hair, the aggressiveness in my will, the height of my legs, the tone in my voice & the color of my skin.


I come to learn that God is the lover my flaws & imperfections because he sees past them to the beauty, strength, and grace that he has placed in me to become an overcomer. Having flaws doesn’t make me less perfect. They make me his for the purpose of his will.

The word of God says that I was made wonderfully complex. That God took joy in making me, with layers of imperfections to create the person I was meant to become in him. I was made perfect because of God. I am made in his likeness. Therefore if God is perfect so are I through him!

The way I see it. I don’t have any problems it’s the world who can’t get passed their identity issue of what they think is perfection. Why would anyone what to be perfect all the time? It’s exhausting.I know because I tried to do it. Cover up my flaws, to be the goodie church girl everyone thought I should be. Growing out of my early 20’s the phase of pleasing everyone I realize: It’s tiring to become who everyone else thinks I should be or how I should look and, Who was I?

“Accept yourself: flaws, quirks, talents, secret thoughts, all of it, and experience true liberation.” ― Amy Leigh Mercree

I spent so much time chasing after things I didn’t want or people that were not on my level. I needed to know who Indigo was.  So I started the journey of learning my likes. Looking at my flaws, I created or what others saw as flaws. Taking them one at a time. Examining them. Loving them and changing what needed to be change because I wanted to change them. Bettering me. Developing my relationship with God. Trusting his process.

My flaws are me, and I am them. I’m able to see pass them because I embrace them as a badge of honor. I can speak freely about my imperfections knowing; I’m better for them. I am a wonderfully complex person create in the image of my Heavenly Father. What funny would it be without the flaw?

“When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and my flaws. Learn from them, for I’ll have no ego to injure.” ― Aaron McGruderThe Boondocks: Because I Know You Don’t Read the Newspaper


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